When others see risk, we seize the opportunity

We offer several types of loans and, based on your needs, we will work with you to find the solution that best suits your business.

Nothing can grow without nourishment and capital nourishes a business. Whether developing a new or established business, a supplement may be needed to finance development and growth. 

What purposes can I get a loan for?

There are as many reasons for seeking external financing as there are companies. We offer various financing options and, based on your needs, we will work with you to find the solution that best suits your company.

For instance:

When faced with a green transition

While investing in sustainability may seem expensive, the reality is that specific sustainability efforts drive profitability and ensure the future relevance of your business.

When the bank cannot assume the entire risk

Sometimes, your bank may be unwilling to shoulder the entire risk and would prefer you to bring in a co-financier. That's where we come in. Together with you and your bank, we can share the risk, providing the financing you need.

When testing your new idea

Anyone with a new idea, service or product should test it against the intended target group to ensure it fulfils a genuine need for the customer.

When navigating challenging times

In uncertain times, taking a calculated risk may be the right move. An investment you make today could prove to be highly profitable tomorrow.

When buying a business

Whether you're taking over a family business or acquiring a company, external financing might be essential to seal the deal.

When experiencing rapid growth

Sometimes, demand for your products can outpace your capacity. Perhaps you need to hire more staff or expand your inventory. In many cases, it comes down to needing more liquidity, meaning capital to fund your operations.

How do Almi's loans work?

Almi's loans often function as a form of top-up loan, meaning that we take on higher risk. As a result, our interest rate is above the average bank rate. In many cases, a loan from Almi can be crucial to obtaining a bank loan.

The sustainability of your business idea, the competence of your management and your repayment capacity will all carry significant weight when we assess your company’s finances. While formal security is not our primary concern, we do require certain assurances concerning your company, usually in combination with a guarantee.

Our loans are designed to complement the market. This means that we do not compete with banks or other private institutions but rather collaborate with you and your bank.

Our loans are aimed at companies with up to 250 employees regardless of industry. The point of departure is that you are unable to obtain all of the finance you need elsewhere, such as through a bank, so require an additional financier.

We may also lend to companies run by foreign citizens who are registered in Sweden and:

  • hold a permanent residence permit;
  • are citizens of a state in the EU/EEA and as such have right of residence; or
  • are citizens of a Nordic country.

Your success is our gain

Almi is a state-owned enterprise without its own profit interests. Our sole focus is on ensuring that Sweden's small and medium-sized enterprises thrive.

Through loans, venture capital, and business development, we can support you as an entrepreneur and help you take the next step in your business.

We begin by holding an initial meeting at which we jointly assess your company’s needs, the challenges you are currently facing and, of course, what your next steps should be.

What to consider when applying for a loan from Almi

While sometimes it's easy to believe that a loan will solve everything, entrepreneurship is about so much more. We know this as we meet thousands of entrepreneurs across the country every year. This is why it's important for us to understand your unique needs, and the reason we want to meet with you – either in person or digitally – even when processing a loan application.

After you have submitted your loan application, an Almi advisor will contact you to arrange a meeting. In this meeting, the advisor will provide more information about Almi's services and identify any other needs that may benefit your business in connection with reviewing your loan application. 

Questions you will be asked in your loan application

If you already have a loan with Almi, you will need to answer these questions in your new loan application:

  • Total capital requirement
  • Desired amount
  • Purpose of the loan
  • Briefly describe what has happened in the company since your last contact with your Almi advisor.

Prepare the following before starting the application:

If your company has a financial statement, attach:

  • The latest financial statement, even if it is not audited.
  • Current interim figures* if your financial statement is older than four months, both income statement and balance sheet.

If your company does not have a financial statement, attach:

  • Budget
  • Any current interim figures if available.

Almi has prepared budget templates (currently only available in Swedish) that you can use; it is not mandatory to use Almi's templates.

*When attaching interim figures, you also need to include a year-over-year comparison in the form of an income statement and balance sheet covering the same period of the previous year. This will give us an idea of how your company may have changed and expedites the processing of your loan application.

For those who are not already Almi loan customers

If you are not already a loan customer with Almi, we need to ask more questions. Together with an advisor, you will go through the entire loan application in detail, including whether you need to supplement any information.

Questions you need to answer

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability:

  1. Business idea/operations:
    Describe the company's operations and history.
  2. Customers:
    Describe your customers.
  3. Market:
    Describe the geographical area and/or industry in which your products/services will be sold.
  4. Competition:
    Describe your competition.
  5. Product:
    Describe the products or services you offer.
  6. Sales, payment, delivery:
    Describe how the company's goods/services are sold, paid for and delivered/provided.
  7. Marketing:
    Describe how you promote/inform about the company's offering.
  8. Business model:
    Describe your business model.
  9. Key resources and/or conditions:
    Describe your company’s key resources and/or operating conditions.
  10. Sustainable business:
    Describe how your business idea creates value from a sustainability perspective.
  11. Entrepreneur/team:
    Describe the team behind the company and how you complement one another.
  12. Analysis:
    Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business. What opportunities in the external environment do you foresee in the future? Are there future threats you need to consider?

For those applying for a loan to finance an innovation

An innovation is something not currently available. It could be a new product, service, process or technology.

If you are applying for a loan to finance an innovation, we will need to ask questions to ascertain whether something similar is already available on the market. This applies whether you already have loans with Almi or not.

Questions you need to answer

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

  • Describe your business idea.
  • Describe the customer need your product or service addresses.
  • Describe how you identified this need.
  • Describe who/what has a need for your product or service.
  • Describe how the customer currently solves this problem/meets this need (2–3 examples).
  • Describe what makes your idea unique.
  • Describe how your business idea creates value from social, environmental and/or economic sustainability perspectives.
  • Who is behind the idea?

Click here to go to the loan application form (currently only available in Swedish) 

What happens after I have submitted my loan application?

Your application is processed by your regional Almi company. After you have submitted the application, an Almi advisor will get in touch to schedule a meeting. The processing time is typically around 3–4 weeks if the application is complete when submitted.

  1. You submit your loan application.



  2. You submit information so that we can conduct customer due diligence (CDD).

    Before we can start processing your loan application, you also need to submit information so that we can perform customer due diligence. You can either provide this information while filling out the application form or at a later date.


    The Swedish Act on Measures against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. (2017:630) requires us to obtain information about our customers. To this end, we will check your identity and ask questions about your company’s purpose and operations.


    Almi cannot enter into an agreement if we are unable to obtain adequate knowledge about our customer. This is to protect our customers, our company and society at large from criminal activities and to combat money laundering.


  3. Once we have received your loan application form and CDD information, we will begin processing your application.


  4. After that, you will be contacted by an Almi advisor who will arrange a meeting to take you through the application.


  5. You and your advisor will also have a sustainability dialogue to provide you with basic knowledge about sustainability in general and as it relates to your business, and any areas for development that are particularly relevant to you.


  6. Decision

    You will be notified as soon as the matter is decided. We receive a large number of applications and we do our utmost to administer all cases as quickly as possible. In order to facilitate and expedite the process, it is therefore important that you complete the form correctly and attach the requested documents.

Loan application

You can also contact us

Would you like to speak with one of our advisors about your company's situation and which solution would meet your specific needs? Fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly to arrange a meeting, either digitally or in person.

The meeting is entirely free of charge and you are not committed to anything other than taking the first step on the path toward sustainable growth!

Contact us

Book an initial meeting with us today. It is entirely free of charge and you are not committed to anything other than taking the first step on the path toward sustainable growth.

All fields are required unless specified optional

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We may not have the solution you need

Almi is a state-owned enterprise and our mission is to smooth the way for you and all of Sweden's entrepreneurs. Sometimes, we may not be able to offer the solution you need.

In such cases, thanks to our extensive network we can refer you to another institution or agency that may be able to assist you with your ongoing work.

Financed by the European Union

European Investment Fund (EIF) agreements are intended to increase investment and innovation and create jobs. On 16 December 2022, Almi and the EIF concluded two InvestEU guarantee agreements. The InvestEU Fund is open for the period until 2027 and is available to all 27 Member States. The purpose of the fund is to boost investment, innovation and job creation in Europe.